Epic 6 style play for 5th edition D&D.

I really would like to come up with guidelines for playing D&D with epic 6. I'm toying with just running it with the basic set of rules for now, and possibly trying it to the full range of classes in the player's handbook at a later time. If you don't know what Epic 6 is, I'll link it here to a post I made about it elsewhere.

Doing an Epic 6 version for 5E is tougher because when the concept came out 3E just gave more attacks, feats, and bonuses as characters leveled. But 5E has abilities and features above level 6 players really want. I would hate to take those abilities away. Even though just capping level is the easiest solution. If I choose to give noncasters their features I rightly need to give casters access to their higher level spells. Making the option of capping the character's level less appealing.

One option I like is to allow characters to progress as normal but only stop progression on proficiency bonus at level 6 (8 or 10). In this sense 5E is very easy to control progression, because everything is tied to proficiency bonuses. I would also say all spells above a set level requires components. Spell component bags and foci only work for low level spells. This again is to encourage the lower power feel as well as the idea that players are not fantasy superheroes. Defeating a powerful monster will require acquiring the means.

So here is my quick answer for 5Th edition epic 6 mode of play. Change level 6 proficiency bonuses to +4 and cap it there. If setting the cap above 6 give the max level a one step (+1) boost. That way max level is always heroic scale compared to the rest of progresssion. Next, all spells level 4 and above requires spell components, while lower level spells can use spell bag and/or Foci to cast.

I hope to do a whole series of these, both expanding basic rules options, as well as Epic 6 options.


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