D&D 5E has a sweet spot.

D&D 5th edition arguably has a sweet spot. Levels 5-10 is where 5E really clicks in my opinion. Wizards design team has even stated that in their surveys most players rarely play above level 10. Campaigns usually fizzle out at or before 10th level. Most if not all of wizard's campaigns take place within levels 5 and 10. I personally feel the only reason they kept levels above ten was because it's part of D&D legacy.

I've personally never been a fan of high power levels in high level play. I would rather a dragon always be a fearsome beast and a group of goblins always have a chance of over running the party. I guess that is why options like Epic 6 always had an appeal to me. Capping off hit points and combat bonuses so games never turn into fantasy super heroes is very appealing to me.

On the low end of leveling wizards has really streamlined and made the first three levels of the game into an express way. Again I feel like wizards felt level 3 should be the real starting level, but kept levels one and two for legacy reasons.

I have a real urge to rework the basic game to limit it to 6 or 10 levels. Keep all the class features but shuffle them into those levels yet limit hit points and proficiency bonuses. Expect this in a future post.


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